Unfair Silence STAFF PLEASE READ!!!

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by SlimeGuy, Feb 18, 2015.

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  1. the first time I was silenced I had asked in public chat to rp. I had done this plenty of times before but for some reason just then had I gotten silenced. Second time someone said wall me if you want to rp. I said Hey I'll rp. and I got silenced. Now it's my 3rd offense and I don't think it's fair.nIs there anything I can do to get unsilenced
  2. Hahahahah. Good.
  3. LOL. Suck it up, buttercup. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
  4. Moral of the story is..... 'Don't rp!'  don't ask for rp and don't respond to 'random' rp requests. 
  5. Anyways, it should say why you actually got silenced in the pm you received from pimd. If you had asked for bad rp, then that is silenceable. If you think your silence was un just just e-mail: support@athinkingape.com telling them why you should be unsilenced. Include your username, game, and reason to be unsilenced.

    Also know that they are able to reject your appeal request. But you can always try in 3 months and appeal again since they might be more flexible.

    Sux4U. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
  7. Tsk tsk. The RP gods are angry with you. Sacrifice yourself to appease them.
  8. It's a new player, maybe we should volley him
  9. Bruuuuhhh I think I just peed myself laughing.
  10. My bet is you had a few more words than just " I'll rp " you sure dirty wasn't in there somewhere?
  11. Bet there was something in his status message or he's not telling the whole story :lol:
  12. 
  13. Its my 2nd month of a perm silence. :lol: it ain't that bad. I love it tbh
  14. I hated it  made me reset a while ago
  15. In b4 lck
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