I don't Normally Do This But Sir,Please shut up I'm trying to sleep. take your gay ass to the next game on the Google Play Store Thx Bye
To be honest. I think I was the one who actually started role playing on this game. I created a club, The Black Pearl, and everyone changed their screen names to characters from the movies. We had William-Turner, Cotton, Calypso, Jack the Monkey, Davy-Jones, Elizabeth-Swann, and many others. we had a fun time pretending that we were pirates and we had a structure and everything worked well. If someone got out of hand or perverted, we made them walk then and there. Role playing can be very fun, and very interesting, but at the same time, it depends on what the role you are playing is. There is a difference between pretending to be a pirate, and having your poop deck wiped up by some jock.
I strangely finding myself supporting. I mean we've all At least said something to do with rp I've said *Runs* a few time as "_____"
Did anyone notice he replied even though he said he wasn't checking this thread in the original post
Irvine is a flirt not a perv. There's a difference. He tries to impress girls and get their attention. He's not straight just let's get sexual. XD