Please help me save my phone :(

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by ltachi, Feb 7, 2015.

  1. So this morning I dropped my phone into my bowl of cereal :(

    I was advised to leave it in rice so I did all day and the only thing wrong is that it is stuck on headphone mode.

    I cant listen to music or enjoy youtube / those facebook pages videos.

    Any idea on how to get rid of it? I did some searching but no luck :(
  2. I think you have to take that to your network provider ?
  3. Problem will be that you might have some sugar or other things that were in the cereals stuck to the plugs
    Either go to a repair shop or as suggested before talk to your provider.
    I would try putting in headphones and take them out and see if it works then.
    Sometimes the easiest solutions are helpful.
  4. way more than just rice.
    Gotta take the phone apart and dry it.
    Id type out steps and stuff and my story on how i learned but i just did. I pressed the wrong button.i give up. So thats the short version. You may need a new phone. Good luck
    Ill type it out if asked. Best way to ask is my wall. I dont re check threads often
  5. I dun have the monies to pay for the repairs D:
  6. easy fix brah , cook some rice and leave it out overnight next to your phone when you wake up the rice will be gone and phone will be fixed 
  7. The phone was in the milk for like, one second and I got it out and dried it and stuck it in rice since I was heading to work. But the headphone thing happened the moment i got it out. I mean, if I raise and lower the sound on the phone itself I can hear it. Just not videos or music :(
  8. Nice 
  9. Hahahahaha

  10. SCUD
  11. Change your phone
  12. Take toothpick and a flashlight and see what could be stuck inside the headphone jack
  13. Worth a try
  14. Go find a way to fix it.
    ask Felix from Wreck-it Ralph.He will fix it
  15. Can I help
  16. Jopo you needed to get rid of that little ass phoneanyway
  17. Try to reset ur cell if not try to factory reset it n if that doesn't work do wat I did once grab a blow dryer and dry it like that and if that doesn't work........ hope you have insurance lol
  18. actually agree
  19. suck my boobs