The best of me is a must see movie. I would give a link for everyone to be able to download it in hd but im not sure if im allowed to. It was honestly a really good movie and will have the girls tearing up. Guys watch it with your gf and i promise you they will be crying on your shoulder.
Then boo, thread wasn't good, no real point to it, no guy wants his girl to cry on his shoulder over a movie, or want to sit through one like that. Better?
If youre trying to bother me because you dont like the thread or something you have to try harder because idc what you say. I say what i want to say when i want to say it. Idc what anyone else says or does. Especially over a game.
I just giving my input :lol: you did post on forums for people's opinions because I don't see why else you'd post a thread when you could recommend to friends instead :?
Oops sorry everyone, we're all wrong. It's rated 6.6/10 on imdb and 8% on rotten tomatoes, it sounds like it's great so let's all go see it
Ignore the "no support" people on a thread irrelevant to support. they're just hoping people will point it out and they'll become funny or famous on an app.