Fifty Shades of Grey [Valentines Day]

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Osun, Feb 6, 2015.

  1. ? I'll be seeing it alone 
  2.  Osun .. I found you a date 
  3. Movie looks crappy 
  4.  I can't wait for this to come out!!!
  6. Roflmfao!!!!!!
  7. I slap you with my Benjamin bun...
  8. Stop using my comebacks >:0
  9. I'll be watching Kingsmen instead of that xD the book was enough it doesn't need a movie.
  10. For the record,
    I hate Osun.
    I also hate 50 shades of grey.
    My girlfriend doesn't know Osun.
    Therefore she hates Osun as well.
    Thus making her a keeper.
    Also she wants to watch 50 shades with me.

    Which brings me to say...
    I hate Osun for reminding me.
    Now bugger off, again.
  11. 50 STRIPS OF BAE

  12. That movie is romanticizing abuse, though. Or at least the books do.
  13. Sorry, Senpai
  14. This. It's trash.
  15. It is not romanticizing abuse. It is a sexual lifestyle between two consenting adults. That being said, the books were mediocre at best. The author repeated scenes and sayings nonstop and beyond probably having one or two actual bdsm relations did not do her research well enough to broaden the perspectives on the actual acts themselves. The movie will probably be a Hollywood rated R version of soft core porn and will not win any awards. The choice in actors also did not match well with the character descriptions in the book. The whole series is based off of the Twilight books, half the people who read fifty shades don't even know that. I guess I have no point and went off on a rant here. I lost track of what the hell I was gonna say. Neverrrrmind
  16. I agree, the books were mediocre. Don't know if the movie could be any better..

    Anastasia says "oh my.." too many times. It's really irritating.