You scared, bruh?

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Mandi270, Feb 4, 2015.

  1. I'll kill you lol
  2. [​IMG]

    Im scared of those spiders with the blue sacks at the end ? I smashed it with a shovel then burned it then made my bf go look to make sure it was dead
  3. I'm afraid of heights and public speaking
  4. Spiders, lizards and dark. Duh.
  5. Scared of the dark ???
  6. I'm scared of my Dad's hairy butt creeping on my face at night.
  7. :shock: Oookay.
  8. I don't even wanna know
  9. People that fear things are mentally weak lol. All fear does is cripple you
  10. :roll: Ok Mr. Perfect.

  11. Hellloooooo...I fear things but still do stuff related to such blah
  12. I'm deathly afraid of little people (midgets). No clue why?

  13. That ain't nice! :shock:
  14. I'm scared of spiders. It's my worst fear and I hate them more than anything else :cry: Death to spiders :cry:
  15. I hate heights, rollercoasters, buses, water where I can't see my feet, and swings. ?
  16. Spiders do it for me I mean I can kill them but I do it aggressively?

    But my biggest fear is heights?
  18. I am seriously scared of crickets. We get them in our garage and at night I won't go out there for any reason. They are so gross and they jump at me like they are trying yo attack me. Sooo creepy.