Why do women live longer than men?

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Osun, Feb 1, 2015.

  1. Thanks for the laugh :lol:
  2. No Problem, glad to see people enjoyed this thread. 
  3.  Not the first time I've seen that
  4. Natural Selection. Survival of the fittest.

    Men are the inferior species.
  5. Gender, they're a gender, men aren't a completely different species :roll: humans are a species, males are a gender :lol:
  6. Yeah I don't think men are going to be bred out anytime soon
  7. Basically a copy and paste of a thread from somewhere else
  8. Bruh, we all know the REAL reason women live longer is CUS THEY SPEND more time in tha kitchen MAKING SANDWICHES! The worst that can happen doin that is a cut to tha finger.

  9. The easy answer to the question is, men are dumb. Those pictures proved it.

  10. His Shlong must be bigger than Satan's though
  11. Someone lock this stupid crap
  12. 
  13. Cause men's are faster 
  14. Says the one who bumped the thread. Get stats nub. Show your main nub. Nobody cares about your stupid crap opinions nub.
  15. I've started a trend..
  16. [​IMG]