Weird Facts

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Bird, Jan 31, 2015.

  1. Purpleberries
  2. Because of the unusual shape of their legs, kangaroos and emus struggle to walk backwards.
  3. I could never imagine a kangaroo bouncing backwards!
    I'll write some more soon loves
  4. *Unless (we're) talking about*

  5. Speaking of bags....

  6. Cows best friend is my dinner plate?
  7. Steak 

  8. Every year, over 7 million children die of starvation ?

    By the time an average American child leaves elementary school, they have seen 200,000 violent acts and 40,000 murders on television 

    Until the 1800s, Turkish women suspected of cheating were tied in a sack with cats and thrown into the ocean ?

    Over 90% of diseases are caused or complicated by stress ?

    Over 700 species of bacteria thrive in the average human mouth 

    The engagement rock Kanye West gave Kim Kardashian cost an estimated $8 million,which is also the total net worth of successful actress Emma Stone 

    Sorry I'm horribly down atm
  9. why with cats? Am i missing something
  10. bc pussy in a bag
  11. Maybe to scratch them to death? Idk
  12. I just looked it up quickly and the cat was in the bag to scratch the women as it tried to escape.
  13. That...is horrid. Poor cats. ?
  14. It's amazing and shocking what cruel and unusual punishments humans have come up with over the years.
  15. I suppose they didn't do the same thing to men suspected of cheating
  16. I like this thread interesting thanx birdie
  17. I didn't know that gum existed 9000 years ago

  18. Who knows
  19. The echidna penis has 4 heads