Dino, from your answers you seem like an introvert. I know a website where you can find out exactly what you are and it tells you about yourself in detail. It's about 60 questions, takes about 15-20 minutes, it's really cool though, if you want me to give you the website wall me. It's not a third party app since its like a survey :lol:
✏️? THE QUIZ ?✏️ 1. I prefer small conversations rather than a group hang out. ️ False 2. I enjoy peace and quiet. ️ True 3. It's Friday night, what are you doing? B. Spending time with my family. 4. I tend to take risks. ️ True 5. I think before I speak. ️ True 6. I spend a lot of time in my room, alone. ️ False 7. I often let unknown calls go to voicemail. ️ True 8. I have __________. (Counting online friends) A. One or two best friends.
1. I prefer small conversations rather than a group hang out. ️ False 2. I enjoy peace and quiet. ️ True 3. It's Friday night, what are you doing? A. Hanging out with my friends. 4. I tend to take risks. ️ True 5. I think before I speak. ️ False 6. I spend a lot of time in my room, alone. ️ True 7. I often let unknown calls go to voicemail. ️ True 8. I have __________. (Counting online friends) C. I hang out with lots of different people, although I'm not really close with any of them. I answered all of yours, however on every single quiz I've ever taken I've always come up as a extrovert. Good luck with your assignment. Sounds fun!
My father once told me Jesus is the answer to everything 1. Jesus 2. Jesus 3. Jesus 4. Jesus 5. Jesus 6. Jesus 7. Jesus 8. Jesus 9. Jesus
1.true 2.true 3.c 4.false 5.true 6.true 7.true 8.a And do you know that each person's birthday can also decide either they're introvert or extrovert. Hint,astrology.
Female 1. I prefer small conversations rather than a group hang out. ️ True 2. I enjoy peace and quiet. ️ True ️ 3. It's Friday night, what are you doing? C. Watching TV/Listening to music alone/Playing PIMD 4. I tend to take risks. ️ False 5. I think before I speak. ️ False 6. I spend a lot of time in my room, alone. ️ True 7. I often let unknown calls go to voicemail. ️ True 8. I have __________. (Counting online friends) B. A few close friends