Quick little test

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by ltachi, Jan 29, 2015.

  1. This is a little test. Answer the questions as quickly as possible. Do not move on to the next calculation until you have answered the previous one.

    You do not need to remember or write down the answers.

    Ready? Lets go!

    15 plus 6


    53 plus 3


    89 plus 2


    12 plus 53


    75 plus 26


    25 plus 52


    63 plus 32

    I know! Calculations are hard work, but it's nearly over...

    One more... Come on...

    123 + 5


    Quick! Think about a color and a tool!

    Scroll further to the bottom....

    A little more....

    You just thought about a red hammer didnt you?

    98% of people answer "red hammer" to this little test..

    Are you a in the 2 percent?
  2. I thought blue hammer
  3. Wtf  howww
  4. Same
  5.  I'm tripping
  6. You two are in the.... 49% 
  7.  please explain how my thinking red hammer was predicted
  8. I watched this on national geographic channel
  9. Probably the most obvious tool and a popular colour that's all lol

  10. Google says:

    This is a really interesting scientific phenomenon known as cognitive load. Absent any external stimuli, when asked to name a color, people tend, on average, to say “red” first — when asked to name a tool, they tend to say “hammer.” Of course, when you’re not under cognitive load, like right now, your mind can start to wander. You might say an orange rake! The math problems increase your cognitive load and cause you to behave more predictably because there are less free brain cells that you can use to think creatively.
  11. i got blue hammer xD
  12. Makes sense! Nice thread, I like these sort of things.
  13. So basically, if you had hard time with calculations, u would answer red hammer cause ur brain got so wired up? 

    Btw, my answer is blue screwdriver... ?
    Blue cause i was blue last round.. Screwdriver cause i remember Handy Mandy 
  14. I actually had thought of Green Screwdriver but alrighty then.
  15. Tend to say red first, then blue.

    That's why marketers usually have important text highlighted in red on products, it's the first colour that your brain and eyes process. Marketing strategy.
  16. I thought yellow hammer. ?

    But howd ya get that hammer part
  17. Green crowbar but ok ?
  18. Orange wrench ehh :p
  19. Pink screwdriver ?