Girl Swallows her Phone

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Osun, Jan 29, 2015.

  1. [​IMG]

    I was watching the news when I came upon this, it happened last night. Apparently her boyfriend, Renato, started farming her on PIMD but she didn't want her boyfriend to farm her while she was hitting a party. So she ran away and when she was far enough she swallowed her phone.

    I won't be revealing their usernames.
  2. She needs to queef it out
  3. What the...she is so stupid!
  4. Queef it out bitch
  5. But..just..why? I cant even
  6. I at least put the phone up my butt
  7. Girl swallowed her phone because she didnt want to be caught cheating?...
  8. Yes. Queefing
  9. Only the strong Queef
  10. If you believe there is pimd on that phone...


    That's like a 2004 phone roight there. Probably a pay-for-minutes phone
  11. 
  12. ? if you believe op you're stupid it's not about PIMD,

    Cheating Brazilian girl swallows phone to prevent her boyfriend from reading text

    ^ that's what happened

    I would of broke my phone...
  13. The pm rp sessions must've been intense
  14. Thats an old ass lookin phonee lmaooooo Shocked it has apps..She be ii8
  15. Teach the mods

  16. Thank you :lol: thats what i was trying to say .
    Op wrote a bunch of bull shit 
  17. Regardless it's stupid regardless of if it's PIMD
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