Underpriced Tutor For Sale.

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by -FAM-____Nubbyyy-Ness____-FAM-, Jan 27, 2015.

  1. ----------
    3.74 MCS
    1.41 T
  2. because using wc is too mainstream
  3. It is :(
  4. I've been trying WC for a couple days now.
  5. That ASScension noob does it all the time though.
  6. World (Campus) Chat.
  7. There's a world chat?!
  8. !
  9. yes wc is place you find rp requests
  10. Still for sale.
  11. I don't think anyone's interested...
  12. Jock my style
  13. There goes Omar, the loud mouth hypocrite.
  14. I didn't believe you. Then I looked.
  15. Why isn't anybody interested?
    I'm surprised.
  16. Every tutor I have found was better than the one you were trying to sell.