What's your name?

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Zault, Dec 29, 2014.

  1. Iam good bae, just been practicing my vocals. Wanna hear?

    ? I wanna know, what love issss! Yeah I want you to show, meeeeee!
  2. My name is Pablo Diego José Francisco de Paula Juan Nepomuceno María de los Remedios Cipriano de la Santísima Trinidad Ruiz y Picasso ?
  3. I thought Lupito was one of your middle names

  4. Cable , i think my mum hates me doe 
  5. Nono
    I said Nepomuceno, not Lupito ? you heard me wrong
  6. my real name is blueberry ;-) so hence my id. Xx
  7. My real name starts with a H lol.?
  8. Its,Hailie ?
  9. Not exactly.?
  10. Mine is definetly my real name
  11. my name is sakdar lol i might as well use it coz nobody else did hehehe :)

  12. soznotsoz
  13. Faire L'Amour  Frenchie taught me that
  14. I want a voice message of that ;)
  15. Halen
  16. Mine is my name exactly ??
  17. My name is mean
  18. Cant get you a VM zault, I can wall ya though 
  19. Mine is pretty much different.