
Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by *JackIsBack (02), Jan 19, 2015.

  1. My name was Captain-Jack-Sparrow and Leonardo-Da-Vinci
    I used to be a mod here, and then I was banned. I was later unbanned, rebanned, and unbanned again.
    I am currently unbanned.
    I am here to grace you with my presence, witty remarks and sarcastic jokes.

    Some of you may become upset, emotional, and you may even cry along the way. But no worries. You might laugh once or twice as well.

    I also just needed to do something while I finish my readings for class and a group of my friends just rementioned this game to me.

    For better or worse, I am here now.
    You must obey.

    Stay Frosty,

    -CJS ️❄️
  2. Holy shit. The legendary CJS? :eek:
  3. Glad I talked you back into coming ️
  4.  This place pitiful why make someone come back? Anyway welcome back Logan. ️
  5. It is :)
    We have been friends on social media and I messaged him an old picture.
  6. Proof is needed.
  7. I don't have to prove anything, lol.
  8. Ah fine.
    How would you like me to prove it, lol
  9. Basically :roll:
  10. What happened to your old account?

    Also, I believe Wyatt is active, so there's still 3 sparrows lol.
  11. I upgraded from the 4s to the 5s and I don't feel like transferring it.
    Is Wyatt active? I just messaged him a few weeks ago.
  12. He should be.

    A few people are still here. Shan, Spike, Azarah, Ethan came back a few days ago, and so on.
  13. Aye, Shannon and Hermes were the ones that talked me into joining again
  14. Shan isn't here. What're you talking about?
  15. Heeeey I figured it out
  16. Welcome Back!!!!"