To all who care (or don't)

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by 0o0xXI_Wallace_lXx0o0, Jan 7, 2015.

  1. Not that serious and yet you bring it up after all this time. I'm sorry if it has affected you that much. :(
  2. honestly it sickens me how inconsiderate humans have become, op ive seen you around and know of you, not personally though, but i understand your situation and feelings, hope you will get the comfort and peace you need. keep your head up.
  3. Its hard to find playerz thats on my level :-( That play this as a game. Have fun. Not thinking your faceless words get to anyone :-( I thought ur blue name meant more than Comics. I was wrong.
  4. I can relate. My father passed at age 40... I was only 12 years old. We were close. I am now almost 20 years old and I still think about him 24/7. I'm filled with anger and sadness tgat he left this world so early out of the blue. He had blodclots pass to his heart. I feel for you. Sorry for your loss.
  5. Why would he even post this at the first place?I believe no one even knew he was away. If he needs comfort he should go and ask for it in rl not on a fuck ing tap tap game,no one can do anything about it here.Just a heads up to all those who want to make similar threads like this in the future
  6. Cash shut up. Mad bc you were farmed so you take it out on a heartfelt thread.Why do you care so much to keep telling us what Wally should or should not do? Who made you forum police?

    I wish I was small enough to farm your pathetic ass. Grow up and get over your sore bum.
  7. I came back and is shocked to find this thread filled with obnoxious bastards.... With a popsicle on the other hand.

    What even.
  8. I get what you are saying Wallace. I just lost my gma on the 23rd. It made me thing abour a lot of things. I know I didn't see her much and had even stopped calling her like did before. She didn't even get to see Vanessa like she had asked for bcuz I had always put it off being busy and telling myself I'd do it later. Going throu the past few weeks even made me scared of the day I'd lose my daddy.

    Even as busy as we all get in life remember to make time for your family. Don't even let hate keep you apart from them. Work out your issues bcuz you never know when the last day is for your loved ones.

    Sorry to hear about your father Wallace. Stay strong & remember all the good times you had with him. Take care hun.
  9. Sorry Dude About Your Loss?
  10. Re: ZS

  11. The two wannabe bad ass trolls on here are too small for me to farm. I mean yea he shouldn't post personal problems on forums but seriously? Being as rude as you are? How would you feel if you told your friends about something tragic and they responded with how you did? :roll:
  12. I agree 100% and tbh he had an important msg behind this. Just shows you can still find ignorant assholes anywhere.
  14. Some people don't have anyone to talk to irl so they come to forums for chatter and help to deal with things. I can't believe some of you are so rude. People like you are people I stay away from and try to keep my kids from being around.

    Wolf I'm ashamed of you. Your honor student should be taken away from you. Your supposed to be am example to others and this is a bad example.

    grow a fucking heart people
  15. Don't take that as an excuse... c'mon you know friends,tell 'em about me
  16. Am really loving where this is heading
  17. You cant farm with that even build anyway. You stand no chance :lol: How can a player be a wannabe bad ass troll. Just like saying a wannbe crackhead. But Cash can say what he wants like anyone elese can. If he want to be a heartless player then let him. Its not affecting u in anyway shape of form. Me I wouldnt post shit like this here cause its a f***kin game. I got facebook & Instagram for all dat. Also if you swear you know why the person behind the phone acts a way on forums then u need to take that magnificent skill to make money.
  18. nailed it
  19. :roll: there's lots of wannabe trolls on here like you, Kelon and Cash, trolls and crackheads are nothing alike lol but okay. I never said I swore I know how he acts :roll: