A Cover..

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Azza, Jan 13, 2015.

  1. a cover...

    R.I.P. to the pimd you used to see
    Its days are over, baby its over..
    I decided to give you less of me
    Baby come closer, other apps are taking over


    :roll: Soo i got bored while eating breakfast..
  2. 
  3. bad pup ?
  4. Oh Lordy ?
  5. Stop posting my selfies ?
  6. Sorry ducky..
  7. Is the first one he who shall not be named? :p
  8. That first one is disturbing
  9. Viewer discretion advised??
  10. That first one is from the BBC..
  11. I love the first one. Sexy. Have my babies.
  12. Azzeh 
  13. Middy
  14. I have been scarred forever.
  15. Does this help??

  16. Lol Azza only u
  17. Sshhh..