Death Game

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Osun, Jan 11, 2015.

  1. Pretty simple, tell us how the person above you will die.

  2. You tell me who your main is, and then you magically die, I guess?
  3. I'm immortal tho? So is she^
  4. I steal your immortality
  5. ^ they have sex with a carrot and die.
  6. Sparrow: You choke on asking me who my main is.

    My main isn't that popular he's a noob. But you know who I am.
  7. ilight lights a fire that burns him to death
  8. by suffication in their sleep
  9. Choked on the booty
  10. Lmao!! Chokes on my booty
  11. That's how I wanna die^
  12. Suffocate on booty
  13. Can I have a hint??
  14. Mutilated by Care Bears
  15. Got bitten by a snake

  16. thanks for saving my life