That moment when...

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by sup_, Sep 5, 2014.

  1. Or when you're drinking the last bit of something through a straw?
  2. When you are at home thinking you're alone,and there's a hobo rubbing a knife against his face and get blood on your hard wood floors.

  3. When some girl send a nude and I wasn't ready to screenshot
  4. LOL
  5. Ain't even lying
  6. That moment when you thought of 2 similar things and were about to say it only to say it as a mash up an can come up as something embarrassing
  7. That moment when they ignore my pvp hunt idea and I get angry and fart
  8. We Love u SnoopLion
  9. That moment you find it your pregnant with a Xenomorph.
  10. that moment when u do something
  11. Oh my fucking gawd! I fell off my bed and twisted my ankle but was still laughing when I saw this
  12. That's such an old joke it's not even funny.
  13. It's funny.
  14. That awkward moment when you see your crush in a public restroom and you pass out.
  15. You must not be on any social media because I've seen that same joke at least 20 times :roll: it's not funny, the first few times yea, but it's overused.
  16. I've never seen it.
  17. That moment when you are so busted by your mom and you say,"Was that my mom?? I gtg!!!"
  18. That moments when a bobcat comes in your house