❄️Would You Rather?

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by sup_, Jan 8, 2015.

  1. Blind, then I could become DareDevil!

    Would you rather live in the city or in a town?
  2. City, turn up every night

    Would you let me beat you up, or fight a MMA fighter?
  3. I would beat the fuck out of you?

    Would you rather fite me or neph irl?
  4. Neph because I don't fight wannabe dudes

    Would you eat a raw pineapple or a lemon?
  5. Pineapple

    Would you rather be a giraffe or a prisoner in a prison for 30 years?
  6. Neither... ? I'd rather be a cat in prison for 100 years due to killing my owner!  and cat's have 9 lives... And they live I a span of about 20 years, so I can live for 80 more years after that! Yeah, logic! 

    Then again... I like to be a giraffe...  I'll be so tall! 

    Would you rather be a millionaire, but be living for only a day... Or be the poorest man on the planet, but live for about 200 years? 
  7. Millionaire for a day.

    Would you rather be eaten by a bunch of ants or a bunch of wild dogs
  8. Eaten by a bunch of dogs

    Would you rather eat slugs with mustard or die in 3 days?I'm guessing you're gonna choose eat the slugs with mustard
  9. Die

    Would you rather skydive with no parachute or be the sledgehammer Miley Cyrus licks
  10. Definitely the sledgehammer ??

    Would you rather lick toe jam out of a homeless guys toes, or be a forever virgin?
  11. Forever a virgin. There's ways around that.

    Would you rather eat something that fell in the toilet or drink water with flies in it?
  12. would you rather fight with a sumo wrestler or goout with the uglyest girl in school
  14. You're breaking the thread noob.
  15. fixing thread
  16. Eat.

    Would you rather have super hearing or sight?
  17. The first one

    Would you rather be a burger or a friesif you choose burger your gay?
  18. Fries cause im long 

    Would you rather be 7ft or 4ft
  19. The last one

    Would you rather be a lollipop or be a cotton candy say lollipop and I will give you a lollipop in PIMD PS say lollipop if you saw this,you know the smaller words
  20. lmao Would you rather lick the phone screen of a stranger's phone or have yours stolen?