SALVAGUARDIA the noob club

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by TwistedLife, Jan 7, 2015.

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  1. How many hours of free rp u get lil svg bodyguard lol
    poor lil justin awww
  2. Yup
  3. Need a boyfriend
  4. LMAO
  5. :lol:
  6. Yep.
  7. Just join 'salvaguardia' …they r the experts on this matter
  8. calm down op  #1 rule in farming dont bring it to forums
  9. ★Just public announcement
    #1 rule: dont b a kitty n return hits urself
  10. Alot of talk for one so dtw :roll:
  11. Am still talking even aftr dtw lol :)
    Keep the hits coming for as long as u can svg noobs lmao
  12. Give it up!! Your friends left you alone to fight by yourself 
  13. Giving up is what u noobs do lol
  14. Lol you must be really mad that you even talk trash about them in your status. Haha don't mind me just a random noob :p
  15. Dude. Twist. Its a damn game. I swear most of the stupid ass drama on this game gets old. Go smoke one and open a bottle. Stop focusing on each other like little ass high schoolers. Grow up. Both sides. Don't care if y'all strip me again. Do whatever you want.
  16. You need to seriously get a life TwistedLife

    "All the Whiners in the same thread" <----- A feast for eyes

    P.S: Op you sound like Asscensions ;)
  17. I can sense Asscensions are butthurt with your post
  18. How about you stop being obsessed with a club on a game and go live your life? All I ever see you talk shit on them. Why the fuck do you care so much on what they do?

  19. Tell me one thing ?? Are you doing anything useful with your life by playing PIMD and Trolling on forums ?? Get a life before telling others to mind their business asshole
  20. Trolling? Naw. And yes I am doing something with my life. Called supporting my family and getting back into school. I have a life. Do you?
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