To all who care (or don't)

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by 0o0xXI_Wallace_lXx0o0, Jan 7, 2015.

  1. Sorry for the lossI care, and I understand how it feels. Sorry for what you're going through
  2. Sorry to hear that. Losing family members is never easy regardless of closeness. I hope you are ok
  3. Wally I'm sorry to hear bro. I lost my mom a few years ago and it sucked. I'm here for you sir if you need to chat !
  4. Sorry for ur loss buddy…
  5. Sorry for loss wally!
    Hope you find the peace and closure.
    Always here for you!
    Love ya
  6. I don't know you, but I read this, and I felt so sad...I wish I could give you a hug. Im sorry for your loss.
  7. Sorry for your loss 
  8. I don't know you personally, but have been in ur club once... but this story has touch.... sorry for your lost..
  9. Sorry to hear that man, hope you get through it and live your life without regrets, sure that's what he would want
  10. I know what you are going through...hope you're ok...sorry for your loss dear
  11. Keep your head up Wallace.
  12. I'm sorry for your loss. I respect it and it seems as if I shouldn't put my GiF because it seems a bit... Disrespectful. I never lost a family member but I do worry for my oldest sister. She went in labor and could have her baby at any time so I guess I somewhat feel what you feel.

    I didn't put a GiF. This thread is special and it touched me. I got the feels now why??
  13. Wally, bro.
    Sorry to hear about your pops. Stay strong brother and never forget you have those handful of friends that really care for ya bud. If you ever need anything, dont hesitate to message me. I'm always there for my friends when they truly need it, just like how you have been there for me.

    its not the time or place.
  14. Sorry for your loss bro..
  15. Sorry for you're loss man you gotta let you're regrets change what you do in the future
  16. Sorry for ur lost keep yo head up an stay strong
  17. Sorry to hear that, Wally.
  18. Sorry for your loss dude, i myself lost my granddad on Saturday and not gonna lie, it sucks.
    You know i'm here if you wanna chat and my thoughts are with you
  19. I'm sorry for your loss. Losing a loved one is hard. Thoughts and prayers your way
  20. I thank everyone for their kind words. I appreciate all your guys comments.