waa waa waaa ata plz bring back the pinata or she will go emo and rage quit stop whining, buy a cat with the price of the inata and share with clu, stop getting greedy, u wanted pinata for 2x so that u can do solo cc and dn on it and take all benefits and not share with ur teams bruh
here is a simple explanation stormeh, im critisizing the new version of rehab, the fairy ones, now mrs gemini wants the gift bomb to get care package, so im saying instead of being greedy buy a cat and make ur club happy, care packages and those side 2x promos made greedy ppl go solo cc, so instead of that share
nah she wants them so she can solo cc , think abt care backage and 2x promo !!! thats mrs gemini plan i saw it in the effortless whining thread, i saw her thread like: wa wa we want pinata back wa wa
Not all rehab is party fairies ? but once piñatas come back they will have those cool flash piñata clubs so it won't really matter
Oh wow look what the cat drug up!FYI! I drop gift bombs a lot to help my club. Unlike some people we know in other clubs. We also allow anyone in our clubs to do a solo cc if they want to. Oh yeah! We pretty much know who you are and it's funny that you won't post with your mainso why don't you get a life and stop mooching off of other people for iTunes and buy it yourself and help your own club out!!!!!
i dare u saying my name scud !!! and yeah u drop a lot yeah yeah lies !!! ur drop is just so u motivate other drop so u get more packages for ur solo cc coz u dont wana share with the rest of club
I do believe you're sadly mistaken on who you're talking about you are no longer wanted on this thread so please stay off