Sorry for your loss Wallace. Very well said too. One will not know what is lost until it is too late.Be strong.
Im 20 and my father's still alive, but if he died, itd honestly be a good riddance type thing.... but thats just us. In ur situation tho, I'm sorry for ur loss and hope u find it less difficult than uve imagined to cope w such a loss
To the one who says they're gonna pray for op I know it's just the nice thing to say, but I don't really think you're going to do it I mean, Praying for a stranger In a game.....
What, you gonna pray like this ? : Dear god, I hope -EViL-Diablos ' dad will rest in piece. I Hope Diablos will sleep well I hope he'll eat good. Amen
Sorry for the loss yes youre right losing beloved father would be the saddest moment ever. Esp when we havent done best for him. Umm, keep being strong please, struggle in this life, yourent alone, make your mum, your siblings or even his siblings happy so he would be happy watching at you above there.
What? You can't have a little sympathy for someone, even if it's just on a game? Try to imagine what it would be like in thier shoes.
I am a father, whom is sharing that same experiecne with my 26 yr old daughter. We dont talk or interact like we should. Its crazy that i read this and was thinking this way on my ride home from work, and my daughter texted me. Dad response..Why wasssup ?(daughhter). Nothing i just miss you.....i miss you too....her response..awww. And that was it. So i get it Wally..thanks for sharing this.
Aint no woman alive that can take my mommas place In this case its ur father, sorry for your loss bro. @SpaceDandy. Its just a game, but there are real people behind these screens too man
↑↑ i dont know op nor his family either, but please kindly dont make a joke in sad situation upon someone's death tho. At this time op needs supports and cheering even from strangers to be strong and move forward
Hey, my Dad died too. I can connect to what your saying. If you need someone to talk too, I'm there.