Final Goodbye...

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by DrKevorkian, Aug 18, 2014.

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  1. What's his Gaw username?
  2. Is it RP_Wallace?
  3. LOL another attention seeking thread 
  4. Goodbye Emo guy
  5. Emo guy Wallace he is unloyal to all his club creations how long would evil last? Emo guy strikes again with a goodbye thread

  6. Youre so cool how you make an alt just to talk shit
  7. Who said I was cool besides u ScudKing.

    You love taking the time to stick up for players that has nothing to do with u. Get yo D*** riding ass on boy. Lol
  8. And cowards like you love talking big shit from little bitty alts. You that big a bitch you cant use your main account? Or at least say who you are?
  9. Wallace kids are on your face.. Might wanna umm handle that
  10. And your balls are tucked in your stomach. Umm might wanna drop those
  11. What.. You're lameeeeeeeee asf buh bye bruh
  12. Says the chump that took time out of their day to make an alt to hide behind cause they dont have the testicular fortitude to man up and say on their main.

    Now thats a true lame
  13. Wtf just happened?
  14. I tried picking on my bro Wallace but this D*** riding ass boy messed it all up
  15. Another pussy on an alt wont use or say who the main is

    you seem a lil sore thought you said bye?
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