[Idea] Club Wars: Tournament

Discussion in 'Wars' started by DarthMaul, Jan 6, 2015.

  1. War Tournament

    A war tournament between clubs. Says it in the title. Its just an idea. Still working on it, but here's the small version: There's a a lot of clubs in pimd, what if they all or some made subclubs and had a little tournament? Kind of like March Madness in the NBA. Head to Head Wars. Mininum of people from each club: 20. Maximum: 25. I'm sure it would be fun or at least entertaining for a week or two.

    • No Stripping
    • No Outside Hits
    • Minimum Stats Required: 1.5mcs
    • No Whining, Crying :roll: Should be pretty obvious.

    The Prize: 5 Cats dropped to the winning club( maybe 10, as this will be coming out of my own pocket) pretty sure that'll motivate some clubs.

    Show your support or Show your no support. Give some insight or critize this. Just trying to get wars set up. Read up please. NOT YOUR WHOLE CLUB. JUST PEOPLE WHO WANT TO PARTICIPATE. hopefully we'll have enough clubs join

    Signup Date of the Tournament (to give clubs enough time to figure out their war rosters): February 1st

    Actual start of the Tournament: Sometime in March or April.

    :lol: Looking for people to help organize this, who won't be biased. Wall my rs and she'll give you my answers: IvyFlores :D Thanks for Reading.
  2. So beta wars just player organized?
  3. ? why 1.5mcs?
  4. Support 
  5. Basically a beta war. They'll just be with people you know and can actually war with.
  6. The stat requirement could change. It'll just be your funeral against higher stats. :roll:
  7. Let me go on my suicide mission then :lol: I can probably hit 1.5mcs by then anyway?
  8. You'll get there. :/
  9. ?Good luck, hope it works out, I've seen these type of threads a lot but none have actually been done
  10. Thank you. ? I'll be pushing for this. I'm calling out all of those that complain about no wars. Here's your chance. Its even got a prize.
  11. Ill upgrade just for this cx
    Id help organize if you want .  bit busy atm though with my classes
  12. I like this idea 
  13. Support if stat limit is removed or decreased. Maybe have five different rounds with different stat groups and give each tournaments winner one cat?
  14. I think the stats should be matched as close as possible. ?? Like what if myself and people that aren't close to LCBC wanna war? Puts my club members at a disadvantage because I'm not LCBC and they don't wanna be mean and say no. I hope this makes sense and I'm only giving my opinion.
  15. No one cares
  16. Support yo ? I'll even help ya..