To all the Haters

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by SWAG3673, Jan 2, 2015.

  1. To the haters

    When you look like this:[​IMG]

    And say this: [​IMG]

    I have no choice but to block you out

    So I look like this:


  2. 
  4. What's that I didn't see your post
  6. So funny, I forgot to laugh.
  9. Fuck all of u I don't need u haters
  10. Ily.<3
  11. But... Haters are motivators...
  12. None of ya'll r important to have any haters k
  13. But you're hating right now

  14. I cri erytime
  15. Lol. Wouldn't saying fuck all haters make you a hater of the haters? So in the end you're a hater. k
  16. Stop saying k k? K

  17. When we catch dem haters