
Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Rachy_, Jan 5, 2015.

  1. #prayforlho
    She's going through a hard time and we all need to pray for her.
    #prayforlho Hype.
  2. You have to pray for your face, Jazza! Stop this! >=[
  3. Awkward
  4. 
  5. Who tf is Iho
  6. My awesome pup. 
  7. You mean idaho? :roll:
  8. No, udaho
  9. I have no idea what that is..but
    1) #'s should stay in twitter not come to pimd
    2) wth is iho?
    3) what is praying going to do in terms of helping?

  10. ImDaho
  11. :roll: We all know your a ho.Tell us something we don't know
  12. I'm just gonna send her my positive energy instead?
  13. Bruh the whole Llama/Dino Rainbow upside down llama dancing Gif is getting old :roll:
  14. Pray? Lolololol or naw :lol:
  15. Is she sick and dying and having other people announce it to the world? Haven't we already dealt with a similar situation before? It wasn't cute the last time it happened, and it's still not cute. ?
  16. Bye lho 
  17. It's been old 