Guide To Roleplay

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by lllllJACKDANIELSlllll, Jan 2, 2015.

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  1. Let's role play!!

    *walks in room*
    *sees little puppy*
  2. That's not how you do it bruh

  3. *rolls eyes*

    *punts another puppy*
  5. Nice try Hermes! :) But try to avoid one liners.
  6. Wtf did u just not read?
  7. *exclaims that I will rp how I want to!

    Punts 5 puppies!*
  8. Bruh ...bruh.. Bruh.. No one is going to want that kind of rp.
  9. Role play is stupid to begin with... Breeds pervs!
  10. Bruh....there are pervs whether you like it or not. Some are closet pervs. Some are open pervs. Some hide it. Some don't care and let it out to the world.
  11. K tell me more k
  12. There are two types of women k the kind that goes wild when she lets her hair fall freely and teh kind who doesn't. Jo you're teh kind that goes wild, eh?
  13. .....

    *punts 3 more puppies*
  14. ?
  15. ....
    *punts three more puppies*

  17. .... You just broke rule 3 under TIPS....
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