Roleplay is Okay!

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by -_Emma-_, Jan 1, 2015.

  1. I doubt people who were very sexually active would tell their families about their many escapades either
  2. Can someone please interpret this for me.. Did this person just imply what I think they just implied?
  3. I'll tell my family who I'm doing. Why not?
  4. Yup, if I'm having that physical intimacy with my girlfriend they'll know if they ask. Why not tell them? I wouldn't have any reason to be ashamed.
  5. I have never rp its stupid and makes you more unsocial as you are
  6. S
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    No Support
    No Suppor
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  8. this a really messed up thread  ignorant ppl 
  9. That includes yourself
  10. Lol
  11. You really took the time to do this? ?
  12. No support.
  13. Ata said they can't sticky your threads :cry: but they did say it was nice and very helpful 
  14. Dang it ata..
  15. They say they cant but they secretly really just didn't want to.
  16. This thread is going on longer than the Cold War.
  17. I've decided to make a better guide to role play in hopes of it being stickied
  18. My new favorite person (not joking)
  19. Nah they gave a reason. Something about they can't sticky social aspects of the game, only strategy things.