The creator or PIMD

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by Jupi, Dec 11, 2014.

  1. good very is English Your
  2. You never know. 
  3. Actually some do this  how you think they pick honor students? Or used too lol
  4. You know nothing
  6. What are you smoking?
  7. Lol same as pixie dust or whatever here name
  8. Lmao idk what I just read
  9. Creators of this game should have to watch watch campus chat for a full 24 hours without being able to silence anyone.
  10. Dunno if I should call my own mistake before someone else does 
  11. Same
  12. Same

  13. Lol I fixed it for you
  14. Also wasn't sure if you meant should or would

    But you make a decent point
  15. Couldn't understand that for a moment. Until I realised OP meant 'ask' and not act. Or at least I think that's what was meant..

    I don't think the creator would be that bored. They would have enough money to do something exciting in real life. ?
  16. As if you both got life worth living