Hallo, so the point of this game thread is that you rate 3 people due to the following categories: Make out, Marry, or Move out. This is like the less gruesome way of ****, marry, or kill. E.x. Person #1: Cholo JackDaniels Crystal Person #2 JackDaniels (Make out) Cholo (Marry) Crystal (Move out) Jiggy? Spitfire? Kelon? ...and so on. So you name people in pimd, hopefully name people in forums or people who most others know of.? Sorry androids, for the emojis, since some of you can't see them. I'll start: Jiggy? Spitfire? Kelon? Shout out to the person who made this thread and forced me to post on behalf of her D: Crystal is hawt d8 her plz
CJS - Make out Blizzard - Make out jester - Make out And then I'd kick them all out. Moral of the story: Fox will kiss pretty much anyone. Hmm Phillip That guy who makes all the game threads Webby