Lately, some guys have been telling me some really cheesy stuff.? I just think we should all post some cheesy stuff we've been told. ? I'll start : On a scale of 1 to 10, you're a 9. I'm the 1 you need.
Is that a pen in your pocket ,or are you just happy to see me? You're hot. I'm ugly. Let's make average babies.
There's plenty of fish in the sea but you're the only one I'd take home and mount at my place. On a scale of one to America how free are you tonight?
Mine was "you're my brother and no girl is every going to respond to that" ---- One time, though, I was at the gym and it was right after I got fired from pacsun. I was doing weighted squats and out of nowhere my old boss, Jared came up behind me. He's 35. I was 16 at the time. And he just starts going on and on about "how cool my green hair is" and THEN HE STARTED TELLING ME ABOUT HIS BUTT WORKOUTS. FOR TWENTY FIVE MINUTES.
Are you from Tennessee? Cause you're the only ten I see. Someone said that to me and I laughed in their face. ?
There'll be 7 planets left after I destroy Uranus. That's like my favorite pick up line of all time.
If you were a booger I'd pick you first Nice legs what time do they open Nice shirt but it would look better on my floor What has 100 teeth and can hold back the incredible hulk... My Zipper