I think its a cute idea. I started this game a yr n half ago n got my wife to join shortly after. We have been together 7 yrs w 17 yrs of friendship. She is ds eatn her special k. Its beautiful to share n b proud.
But seriously, Food and I have been dating For 5 months now, we were planning on meeting in December, we've been Video chatting for a while …but one day . I found food………………… Rp-ing with Goku
I've got an update too.. After meeting on pimd 2.5 years ago, Mike and I are finally meeting in RL, in Feb next year
I met Ivy on here when she made a testing thread and people were talking about her boobs. Cause yah boobs. And her boobs are amazing. :roll: 5 months since I've met her. I put her through a lot of shit but finally meeting her in RL in February or March next year. Love this girl
Story coming soon... Pending... I love you baby :roll: and I say this because I mean it and we both know what's real ?