Real Life PIMD Couples

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Niah_Phoenix, Nov 30, 2013.

  1. I think its a cute idea. I started this game a yr n half ago n got my wife to join shortly after. We have been together 7 yrs w 17 yrs of friendship. She is ds eatn her special k. Its beautiful to share n b proud.
  2. Even niah knows that 10/25 love since we share that day now!!!
  3. 10/25 is a great day fam??
  4. The fuck, to NOT use shortcuts
    :lol:.that's hella confusing

  5.  so beautiful (story on pg 2) 
  6. Agreed!
  7. I agree with Luls. 

  8. Thats…thats the best story ever
  9. But seriously, Food and I have been dating
    For 5 months now, we were planning on
    meeting in December, we've been
    Video chatting for a while
    …but one day
    . I found food…………………

    Rp-ing with Goku :(
  10. 
  11. Im married in rl but Fishaay is my side *****

    Our love story:

    We make cyber love
  12.  I've got an update too.. After meeting on pimd 2.5 years ago, Mike and I are finally meeting in RL, in Feb next year 
  13. :lol: love you countray! ?
  14. Love u guys!!!
  15. Bumped so I can hear more cute stories?
  16. I met Ivy on here when she made a testing thread and people were talking about her boobs. Cause yah boobs. And her boobs are amazing. :roll: 5 months since I've met her. I put her through a lot of shit but finally meeting her in RL in February or March next year. Love this girl
  17. It's cute when people, from here, meet in rl.?
  18. Story coming soon... Pending...

    I love you baby :roll: and I say this because I mean it and we both know what's real ?
  19. I love you dolita :lol: knowing you you'll go through a couple paragraphs