Alright so a couple days ago I was talking to a friend whom she may or may not wish to reveal herself forthwith (is that a word? ?) about the age of 18. Is it the magical number that tells you that you are now "responsible" adult to uphold your family name? Or are we still a teenager, hence the teen in Eighteen. As an adult, I can absolutely say I have no idea what I'm doing. ?
I dunno. I think you're an adult when you're complete responsible for yourself and independent. If you're not completely self reliant then you're basically still a child. There's also the maturity factor I guess.... Some people become adults faster than others in a sense because the events in their life force them to grow up quicker. Like the loss of one or more parent. I mean I think biologically you're an adult after puberty. Financially you're an adult when you're independent Legally you're an adult at 18 But honestly you probably never stop being a kid in a sense. And you're never completely independent. And you'll never have things completely figured out. So I dunno when you become an adult, but it probably has nothing to with age. Just your experiences in life.
I am not 18 anymore!!! THE HORROR!!!! You're an adult, but you're a teenager!!! There's a two year overlap!!! Two! Hence the "teen" part!
Your an adult by law But its more determined by how mature you are: Act like a child = gets treated like a child Act like an adult = get treated as an adult
I think it honestly really matters on the person's maturity, a responsible and independent 15 year old could potentially be more of an adult than a 21 year old, it all depends on how they behave.
Maturity is what its all about . Environment and whatnot. Psych majors will no what I'm talking about when I talk about the bashed theories... Genes versus environment.. anyways. Age is just a number.
At 18 you are labeled as an "Adult". To be honest most of the 18 year olds that I've meet and came across, are really like living two lives. By day they're like everyone else working (hopefully) and possibly going to school(not everyone does). By night they are still irresponsible teens most assume at there age smoking is "fine" since the age limit allows it(in California). Still most 18 year olds like to party I mean don't get me wrong we all like to party but since they can't buy the beer and alcohol they find people to do that for them something a teen would do. Another big giveaway is that they still live with there parents and most likely use there moms car or dads car. If you aren't living on your own or with a roommate and don't have your own car you aren't considered an adult. Because you aren't providing for yourself. Once you are at that age where you have your own car, house and or apt. Then you are considered an Adult. Why? You ask because you can provide for yourself.
So, all those people who don't have cars and use public transportation, you wouldn't consider them adults?
18 is young adult. Your body doesnt fully mature till you're 21 so you're theoretically an adult at 21.
I call it young adult. Its a point in time where you can take care of yourself. Leagally in probably most states you are considered an adult and can live on your own. But however you're still young and not always ready for such respomsibilities. I'm 19 and I can say holding a job and living in an a small apartment is hard but it's part of growing up.
You're a teenager at 18 lol. You're a teenager at 19. I think the hint is the part that says "teen". Legally you're considered an adult. They're not going to have different rules for adolescents, teenagers, young adults and adults. At some stage there comes a point where you can be legally held accountable for your they group you under the term "adult". But you are still a teenager lol.