You guys do know there are many people who pronounce the h right? :lol: you wouldn't say "an house" would you?
Actually I think it's just america and like one other country that drop the h lol. You guys should look outside your bubble before being rude
I love how most of the comments are people arguing. I think the way people use it makes it a drug. If you use it because you need it medically that's good. If you use it to get high that's bad.
Also, my opinion, quickly.. I personally can smoke it or cook it into things, also love the dabs/hash oil routine. I am never negatively effected by it. I do, however, have friends that just can't smoke the stuff. They either don't like the way it makes them feel or it makes them want to hurl. I am making an educated guess that some can be allergic to it.. But that is about it. To each his/her own. I think it should be legalized for the MAJORITY that can and will smoke it. Stay lifted my friends.
You consider that, rude? Wow sensitive much lel. Its just that. The correct pronounciation is without pronouncing the H. Just like Honest. Do you pronounce it Haugh-Nest? No. Thats just the rule. Look it up buttercup. was that rude, too?
I think the correct pronunciation would be the English pronunciation seeing as it's an English word lol lol. Just because most people in your country says it a certain way doesn't mean it's correct.
I think of it as a drug because majority of the time it's mainly sold on the street. If it was "Medical" you would go to a Medical Shop not Jimmy's Ally to get a spiked gram.