❄️️Winter Hunt Breakdown❄️

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by Jerk123123, Dec 18, 2014.

  1. Winter Hunt Walkthrough

    As most of you know, there is a hunt going on until December 24th at 10am PDT which offers some awesome prizes.

    Here is a link to a thread which explains time conversions if you want to know when the hunt ends in your timezone.

    Here is a link to ATA's thread announcing the hunt.

    Thread Outline:

    • Items Dropping
    • Rewards
    • 50 Grumpy Snowmen Time Chart
    • 300 Grumpy Snowmen Time Chart
    • 700 Grumpy Snowmen Time Chart
    • 1400 Grumpy Snowmen Time Chart
    • 3500 Grumpy Snowmen Time Chart

    Items Dropping

    For this hunt you need to collect Grumpy Snowmen which are created by combining the following items. The parties from which they drop will be listed under the name of each item.

    Snowman Arm
    • Cat Cafe
    • Pizza Pop (Art)
    • Noodle Express
    • Cosplay Please (PRO)
    • Big In Japan (PRO)

    Snowman Top Hat
    • Cat Cafe
    • Pizza Pop (Art)
    • DIY Tattoo
    • Hype Machine
    • Hype Machine (PRO)

    Snowman Coal
    • Cat Cafe
    • Pizza Pop (Art)
    • Waitlisted
    • Canana Cool
    • Sky High (PRO)

    Snowman Nose
    • Cat Cafe
    • Pizza Pop (Art)
    • Prank Primer
    • Restless Keg Syndrome
    • All Roads Lead To Beer
    • Fitspiration

    Items Combined:

    Grumpy Snowman

    If you find any other parties that drop these items, please let me know so I could add them.

    Parties that usually drop items during hunts:

    • Cat Cafe
    • Pizza Pop (Art)
    • Cabana Cool
    • Prank Primer
    • All Roads Lead To Beer
    • DIY Tattoo
    • Hype Machine
    • Restless Keg Syndrome
    • Waitlisted!
    • Noodle Express
    • Hype Machine (PRO)
    • Back Alley Debut (PRO)
    • Just Dance (PRO)
    • SkyHigh Party (PRO)
    • Cosplay Please (PRO)
    • Big In Japan (PRO)


    3500 Grumpy Snowmen:
    Achievement Level 5
    Avatars (50%)
    Avatars (28%)
    Console of Your Dreams (200k/200k)
    Mulled Wine (100k/100k)
    Cute Yeti (50k/50k)
    Frozen Heart (25k/25k)

    1,400 Grumpy Snowmen:
    Achievement Level 4
    Avatars (28%)
    Console of Your Dreams (200k/200k)
    Mulled Wine (100k/100k)
    Cute Yeti (50k/50k)
    Frozen Heart (25k/25k)

    700 Grumpy Snowmen:
    Achievement Level 3
    Console of Your Dreams (200k/200k)
    Mulled Wine (100k/100k)
    Cute Yeti (50k/50k)
    Frozen Heart (25k/25k)

    300 Grumpy Snowmen:
    Achievement Level 2
    Cute Yeti (50k/50k)
    Frozen Heart (25k/25k)

    50 Grumpy Snowmen:
    Achievement Level 1
    Frozen Heart (25k/25k)

    Here is what the items look like:

    Console of Your Dreams:

    Mulled Wine:

    Cute Yeti:

    Frozen Heart:

    50% Avatars:

    28% Avatars:

    The following is an approximation of how many Grumpy Snowmen you should have by 12pm PDT on each of the following days if you want to get the items for 50 Grumpy Snowmen.

    December 18th: 7

    December 19th: 14

    December 20th: 21

    December 21st: 29

    December 22nd: 36

    December 23rd: 43

    December 24th: 50

    The following is an approximation of how many Grumpy Snowmen you should have by 12pm PDT on each of the following days if you want to get the items for 300 Grumpy Snowmen.

    December 18th: 43

    December 19th: 86

    December 20th: 129

    December 21st: 171

    December 22nd: 214

    December 23rd: 257

    December 24th: 300

    The following is an approximation of how many Grumpy Snowmen you should have by 12pm PDT on each of the following days if you want to get the items for 700 Grumpy Snowmen.

    December 18th: 100

    December 19th: 200

    December 20th: 300

    December 21st: 400

    December 22nd: 500

    December 23rd: 600

    December 24th: 700

    The following is an approximation of how many Grumpy Snowmen you should have by 12pm PDT on each of the following days if you want to get the items for 1400 Grumpy Snowmen.

    December 18th: 200

    December 19th: 400

    December 20th: 600

    December 21st: 800

    December 22nd: 1,000

    December 23rd: 1,200

    December 24th: 1,400

    The following is an approximation of how many Grumpy Snowmen you should have by 12pm PDT on each of the following days if you want to get the items for 3500 Grumpy Snowmen.

    December 18th: 500

    December 19th: 1,000

    December 20th: 1,500

    December 21st: 2,000

    December 22nd: 2,500

    December 23rd: 3,000

    December 24th: 3,500


  2. Re: ❄️Winter Hunt❄️

    50. Approx 7-8 a day
    300. Approx 42-43 a day
    700. Approx 100 a day
    1400. Approx 200 a day
    3500. Approx 500 a day
    5000. Approx 715 a day
  3. Re: ❄️Winter Hunt❄️

    Noodle express -snowman arm
  4. Re: ❄️Winter Hunt❄️

    Wait listed drops coal
  5. Re: ❄️Winter Hunt❄️

  6. Re: ❄️Winter Hunt❄️

  7. Re: ❄️Winter Hunt❄️

    Restless keg snowmans nose
  8. Re: ❄️Winter Hunt❄️

    Hype Machine drops hats
  9. Re: ❄️Winter Hunt❄️

    Who gives a fuck hunts are shit anyway
  10. Re: ❄️Winter Hunt❄️

    2 parties drop hats?
  11. Re: ❄️Winter Hunt❄️

    They haven't changed hunt parties in a long time . So from the posts above and previous hunts, one can predict the following:
    Diy, hype -hat
    cabana, wait listed -coal
    Prank, all roads, keg, brostep, fitz - nose
    Noodles - arm
    cc, ppa -all
  12. Re: ❄️Winter Hunt❄️

  13. Re: ❄️Winter Hunt❄️

  14. Re: ❄️Winter Hunt❄️

    Great thread mags, just wanted to point out that they state the hunt ends on December 24 at 10am PST, not noon unfortunately.
  15. Re: ❄️Winter Hunt❄️

    Prank Primer drops noses, jerk.
  16. Re: ❄️Winter Hunt❄️

    Skyhigh PRO drops Coal
  17. Re: ❄️Winter Hunt❄️

    Thanks, I'll fix that
  18. Re: ❄️Winter Hunt❄️

    Thanks mags  helpful as always 
  19. Re: ❄️Winter Hunt❄️

    I can't even make 100 in a day  500 is crazy
  20. Re: ❄️Winter Hunt❄️

    Cosplay Please (PRO) drops arms! :)
    Factory Art and Fake Art (PRO) didn't drop any :(