Forums King N' Queen 2K14

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by lllllJACKDANIELSlllll, Dec 17, 2014.

  1. Google and Deviant_
  2. Do these people still have the be active to have a nomination??

    Because I would've chosen CJS and Beans.
  3. Rose And Spitfire
  4. Me enough said
    And since I have to choose a girl I'll choose crystal
  5. MrsClaus and Jiggy
  6. :lol: Look Jiggy! It's me & you! Lol.
  7. THOR for King ZOEE for queen
  8. Justin wants my man so bad. :(
  9. I nominate myself and John..as Evil King and Queen.
  10. Justin and John FTW 
  11. Gtfo Mandi. #Johstin4Lyfe
  12. I nominate myself ?? I won't make it to the finals
  13. 

  14. Rose for Queen
    Wolf for King
  15. Expon3nt for king (vote for me and score good in exponents :p) .
  16. Me for king.
    Whoever wants it for queen.
  17. Which man? Your Rl husband or john?
  18. I just want Thor for King 

    But I'll go for Pax's war queen jenjen for queen <3
  19. Obviously I mean John, my RL hub reset on Legwarmers, remember? :)
  20. <3