Draw for Charlie

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Lit48, Dec 15, 2014.

  1. Wait no I'll post da pics hold on
  2. Ok well, OP wanted me to draw a selfie of her. Although, I haven't eaten anything in like 5 hours....SOOO I drew toast instead. Huzzah!


    I'll take my Charlie nao.
  3. Skylar likes to finger and twirl her hair
  4. Lolz, I h8 dis alt
  5. 
  6. Yet fuck ING kidding me ?
  7. Lol care you get 1 Charlie cus I legit laughed my ass off for a good 5 minutes when you sent me that and jack you get two for actually doing a good job on it 
  8. Thanks bæ.
  9. It is.
  10.  jack it only lets me send you one it says you have enough of that item  AHAHAHAHAHA
  11. Duh, it just got out of the toaster.
  12.  care it says you have enough of that item to lol
  13. You can send more than 1 Charlie 2 I think. Or the 5B Charlie.
  14. Atleast jack got one lol