In homage to the Pupil Recognition thread... I thought it may be nice for us Pupils to show appreciation for the Tutors that boost our plunder, build our bonus, and suck our wallets dry after they upgrade :lol: What to do: list your tutors that you appreciate most, this may seem like favoritism, but maybe those that don't make the list will get the hint to be more active in tc, or a better tutor all around . Try to keep things positive, light banter is fine. MY TUTORS [*]WickedGirl: my RL cousin and best friend, in the beginning you had me scrambling for money to bump you, now you are like the rest of us, trying to decide the right moments to upgrade... Usually right before a 50% off promo :lol: . You are a great addition to my TC, even despite the occasional "poot" left there. ? [*] Clarevoy: I brought you in from another game we played together over a year ago... You have been great about always asking questions, alerting me before an upgrade, and now even are venturing into some of the forgotten features of PiMD. You are always good for randomness in tc... And lately... For licking tc clean?with the occasional sniff... You are an odd cookie, but I love ya! [*] -MvP-LeRain_Tapes_Hugs_Laffin: what can I say? You are a long time friend, I have been friends with you since your main and I were stat noobs. You are my newest tutor, acquired from a pupil you wished to leave, and whom ignored your requests to be let go... Therefore are op but worth it. You liven up tc with your dancing, and my cc with your sassiness. [*] DakotaDredd: probably my most random tut, at times makes me literally take that face. But always loyal, always true, and has grown nicely since starting with us a couple months ago. You always keep me guessing, which isn't always a bad thing ? [*] -PR0-D3ADLY-B3R3TUR-D3NU0-: one of my silent tuts... You used to talk so much and now have fallen silent. Even with your sporadic activity, you are still worth having in my tutor list . [*] XoXo_AussieStripper_XoXo: to my knowledge my only Aussie tut, and therefore easily my favorite ?. You fill my tc with colorful hearts and roses, and try convincing me you are an innocent angel every chance you get. I am so glad that your of your account being reset unexpectedly by someone, that it resulted in you joining my tc family. Elaine_Lockwood: I can't say I know much about you. I see you hit parties, but you don't talk much... Break out of that shell dear. ??May this thread be as successful as the Pupil Recognition thread. ??
I would like to thank my tutors for being my tbWithout them I couldn't have max plunder in parties and pvp as well. Go my lil tb!?I don't know many of my tutors but my tutors Milly and Nessie are the best?? Milly for being funny in tc and Nessie for upgrading wayyy too quick.
To my 3 active tuts! Thanks for being active and not inactive To the rest.... Thanks for being there
To absolutely nobody! Because I haven't ever hired one that wasn't just silent or asked me for rp. Sigh…
Stop getting fame for Building Block rp?you know ppl have foot fetishs and pain fetishes. You are there dream?