[Debate] Planned wars

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Royale_Kaname_Will_Never_Die, Dec 13, 2014.

  1. Thanks for adding furter informations that I was lacking bro
  2. even rpers got new fearure :p
  3. THATS SO TRUE! How about us? Yea we got better timing systems but man how could we possibly use them if they keep throwing us promos
  4. I wouldn't think they did it purposely. ATAs not going to cater 50ish people and stop a hunt which benefits thousands just so the minority can war.
  5. Jackdaniels if you had bigger stats...
  6. on side.note my club arranged a small war , 4hrs.and was 35vs 35 few hours before.it started guess what ? aimd was released, but anyway war happened amd things went well
    and to answer your question, yes reduce.time was.nice, but so what ? its true.ive seen many ppl.putting huge effort to make matched.war, only.to be ruined by what i mentioned in previous post
  7. All I care about is that atm there is a war going on and we could really use ppl on both sides. Thanks ?
  8. I'm not saying to stop a hunt for us. I'm saying TO GIVE US A FUCKING BREATHER. Let us play the game stop being 24/7 in here giving us content. Let us play the game without you coming to add things.
  9. I'm waiting at the door...
  10. That would be nice. But its all about the money for them and I don't think that will ever change.
  11. I'm not saying I'm happy with hunts. Ata games were a lot more challenging before parties and hunts came out. People actually had to work for their money. Being farmed was normal and people didn't whine  most people. Now, everyone's used to having money sit there in the bank without it getting taken away. Before people EXPECTED their money to get farmed away. It's just to easy now. But games evolve and this is the new PIMD. Hopefully they'll make another promo that benefits PvP. But tbh we shouldn't need s promo to influence people to use the battle button  PimD isn't a war game anymore, deal with it.
  12. Been there, spoke with them: they were useless and beyond unprofessional. I've actually never met such rude and incompetent customer service than I have with ATA.

    Good luck though kaname, I can only hope your experience will be better than mine, because you make a lot of valid points.
  13. I e'mail support frequently, probably once a week, they probably know me and I know the whole crew
  14. If I've said it once, I've said it a hundred times (OK, I've said it a hundred times), the only way to get what you want is to stop buying extra credit. They are making more money now than ever (good God, their servers broke with the piñata thing people were spending so much!), so there's no way they will stop doing hunts and cats unless you the players stop spending money.
  15. I stopped giving them money long time ago.
  16. Same
  17. Yea they do it on purpose. Instead of planning on forums, plan it secretly. PM friends who can pm more friends etc etc and if you have certain apps, make group chats and invite ppl. Ata can still read your pm's but I doubt they'll do it. Unless I kinda just ruined it
  18. Oohh I like that idea bump
  19. People dont show up because of ata making promos, they turn into party fairies.