How to earn enough money to get a club in two weeks

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by JVOXORED, Dec 12, 2014.

  1. Now some of you might say “Oh you don't need a club” FYI I have owned 2 successful clubs. But they was always given to me, I would like to know the fastest way of how to earn money so that I can own a club and expand it
  2. Party, do PvP (on inactives), and war. Try upgrading while you're at it so you earn more money easier.
  3. Growing
  4. Sell the coco, for the low low.
  5. Just party
  6. How are you gaging "successfull club"?
  7. He got a point lol wacth it he knows what he talking about Lmao tears
  8. This will get you a very nice club.