This is not saying nice people are bad. This is me ranting about how some people try to blame all of their relationship issues on them being "nice". The "I do everything right but always finish last" attitude.
It Is True Tho Most Girls Like Bad Boys Cuz they Want Excitement IN their lives Even Though 80% Of The Time their Just getting Played And Some Dudes Sideline ho.
and imma beat you, in every competition Going out with the girls you better to get my permission Wait no, I take that back you can't go. House is on tonight and that's my favorite show. "Do I look fat in this dress?" Hell yeah you do, Wait lemme speak your language, Cows go mooooooooooo Be needing some NigaHiga. ?
Oooooh my sweet jeebus you lot completely misunderstood what I said here. It's like you all read the first half and then pooped out whatever thoughts popped into your brain.
Most "nice guys" lack the confidence of "bad boys" the hardest part of meeting a woman is speaking to her and making it clear what you want.. It isn't that women prefer one or the other they simply want someone to take initiative and make a move.
Not entirely true... Some women like to make the first move as they like to take control.... Everyone is different just like mean wolf stated
There are always exceptions obviously you can't generalize millions of ppl.. The point of what I said was the difference in confidence levels which is essential when attempting to get a girl
That's what "conversations" are for ? People put their input... If no one said anything then what is the point of threads?