Female Gamers

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by -I-Will_Steal_Your_Bacon-, Dec 9, 2014.

  1. Female Gamers
    Okay so like the title says I wanna talk Female Gamers. Now this topic has been on my mind a lot. As a gamer myself I experience a lot of hate from guys. So I'm here to talk about real gamers vs fake gamers. I've found some easy ways to just know if a girl really knows gaming or not. Now just as a disclaimer GIRLS DON'T HAVE TO BE GOOD AT COD TO BE A GAMER. Just getting that out there because seriously its annoying. Being a gamer means you play video games. CoD isn't the only game out there and just as any normal gamer female gamers have some weaknesses. Anyway on to the main topic.

    Real Gamers vs Posers
    Knowledge of Gaming:
    Ask a girl about what kind of games they play. For an example we will use an easy topic like Legend of Zelda. Real Gamers will probably know most games in the legend of zelda series because it is so popular. While a poser might only know a few like Legend of Zelda Ocarina of Time because it was recently remade. Real fans will know Link is the main character not Zelda. Gamers will probably know the name of 85% of songs in ocarina of time since you need to use them throughout the game. Note also that they will probably know what different weapons and armor do. For example Iron Boots make you sink in water stuff like that. Also gamers probably know that the default name of your horse is Epona. And finally they will probably know the 3 parts of the triforce.

    Simply put quiz her on what she knows. Female gamers might not know it all but guaranteed more than a poser.

    Now this is both hard and easy to tell. I am a girl who doesn't really use controllers so it may seem I suck at gaming but I am great with PC games. So main thing is know how she games. Whether she plays console or pc can make an impact on how she plays. For this we can use youtubers as an example. Jaynee and Kaceytron both play League of Legends. Jaynee plays signifigantly better than Kaceytron though noth make mistakes. Jaynee tends to know what she's doing or at least tries to play well. Kaceytron thinks she knows what she's doing but easily makes mistakes. Kaceytron temds to blame others for her mistakes while Jaynee kinda just laughs about it. As described Jaynee whom I consider to be the gamer tries her vest in games and knows her mistakes and tries to improve. Kaceytron who represents posers tends to just think she's the best and bkames everyone else without seeing her own flaws.

    Gamers will usually try to get better while poser already think they are good enough.

    So give me feedback. What do you think of female gamers? Do you know any true gamers? Do you know any posers? Truly I believe there are things that guys tend to stereotype and generalize about female gamers and it kinda ruins things for those who are truly gamers.

    *Note: The CoD thing is because that is the game I see the most hate for girls.
  2. Hafu best female gamer NA ?
  3. I see two spelling mistakes and it makes me sad because the stupid post won't let me edit it Dx oh well hopefull you still get the point
  4. I know like 3 or 4 female famers that are good 
  5. What's a zelda
  6. Girls that play FIFA are bae
  7. Girls that play with my 'analog stick' are bae too.
  8. 
  9. I don't play COD that much. I like story line games like 《Last of us》Beyond two souls》《Heavy Rain》《Murderous souls》《 FC1-4》 An best of all 《GTA v》 lol
  10. I have played Last of Us, Beyond Two Souls and Heavy Rain. In my opinion great stories <3 I really love the gameplay too.
  11. The Legend of Zelda : Phantom Hourglass ??

    Assassins Creed??
    Gta (all) ????
    Need for speed : Pro Street?
    Socom 2 : u.s. Navy seals ?
    Black ops ??
    The Last of Us ?
    MineCraft 
  12. Love the Assassins Creed Series though never really got into Black Flag or Liberation because I didn't have time to play them. And then Unity and Rogue pretty goood story missions but then both are very buggy.
  13. My friend play lots if game GTA V Zelda Battlefield, cs go dota2 lol and dragon nest and she got a life ._.
  14. I play Sims 3-4 on PC to.. lmao
  15. This is so stupid....
  16. Battlefield 4
    Final Fantasy 14: A Realm Reborn
    Watch Dogs
    Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare
    Trials Fusion
    Killzone: Shadow Fall
    Tomb Raider: Definitive Edition
    Diablo III: Ultimate Evil Edition
    Infamous 2
    Infamous Second Son
    Infamous First Light
    Prototype 2
    beyond two souls
  17. infamous second son played it on ps4 was a pretty decent game.
  18. I'm ten feet tallllllll