what did I miss?

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Josh, Dec 7, 2014.

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  1.  that Mrjuans selfie thread got heated apparently, who leaked who's photos and who was the person in the photo? Curiosity brah.

    Stay DENCH doe.?
  3. Or nah.
  4. It's a sensitive topic for that person. 
  5. Just what we need, another thread for this immature topic lol.
  6. Someone explain
  7. This guy, support. 
  8. Nudes, and EXTREMELY stupid people. That basically summaries it.
  9. The person in the photo is someone who plays here.
    Respect them enough to back off because what happened to them wasn't fair. Usually I'm on your side josh but not on this :roll:
  10. Someone gonna explain the details...
  11. Do I know you? How'd you know my name ?
  12. I always miss somethin
  13. Thor almost got mod. JS. :roll:
  14. We talked a while back. Never really friends but we'd talk
  15. Amen to that. Preach 
  16. Welp... Okay?
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