Support or no support on this 

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by -TheLastOfUs-, Dec 4, 2014.

  1. Disney has no problem suing for copyright infringement.
  2. Maybe if I was five I'd support this.

    Anyways, everyone knows Disney princesses don't go to college...they find a man instead.
  3. Agreed. Or you don't have to use the avi. Common sence
  4. Omg Disney! Support
  5. They have to pay Disney for copy rights 
  6. U suck Hybrid, go to hell
  9. For all you say its not original. News flash: No avis are original dudes. All avis are just typical depictions of groups of people.
    For example-
    Law Student: Typically law students wear the judges cloak and judges use to wear white wigs as shown.
    Rocker Dude: Typically rockers are guys with a lot of tats that can play electric guitar or bass really well.
    Lab Geek: Typically lab rats as I call them always have their lab coat and like to mix chemicals. They usually also have saftey goggles.

    And I suppoose since you don't like non original avis you don't like the latest halloween avis or the alien hunt avis.

    I support this idea. Many movies for disney remakes are coming out and there is Once Upon a Time so I feel this could be cool.
  10. Wow. That was really rude for you to say that.
  11. that was Rude hulk.
  12. Are any of the avatars in this game REALLY original ideas?
  13. Now i know why ata has age restrictions 
  14. Yea. Now u know
  15. Xtinction was talking about you hybrid
  16. So u basically saying that I'm younger than 17. Well guess what, both of you are wrong.
  17. Hmmmm. Ok. 
  18. I love this idea like Belle and little mermaid.. They already did jack skeleton.. So support