Maybe if I was five I'd support this. Anyways, everyone knows Disney princesses don't go to college...they find a man instead.
For all you say its not original. News flash: No avis are original dudes. All avis are just typical depictions of groups of people. For example- Law Student: Typically law students wear the judges cloak and judges use to wear white wigs as shown. Rocker Dude: Typically rockers are guys with a lot of tats that can play electric guitar or bass really well. Lab Geek: Typically lab rats as I call them always have their lab coat and like to mix chemicals. They usually also have saftey goggles. And I suppoose since you don't like non original avis you don't like the latest halloween avis or the alien hunt avis. I support this idea. Many movies for disney remakes are coming out and there is Once Upon a Time so I feel this could be cool.