Fav B.O.2 Weapon Setups?

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Sugary_Sweet_Mystique, Dec 4, 2014.

  2. Extra? ?

    Wont have my alt available again till later tonight when I get home :(
  3. Wait nvm it was in my pocket :D

    0/4 inc D:
  4. The Evo has too much recoil, however if you master it well damn don't want to go near you

  5. Why would you use rapid fire on an evo? Lol use long barrel for the extra range :0

    All my set ups for perks are the same, flat jacket, toughness, tactical mask and awareness.

    Scah-h and An94, suppressor, fast mag and stock
    Msmc, extended mag, long barrel, secondary tac45
    M8a1, red dot, fast mag, stock
    Evo, extended mags, long barrel, laser sight.

    Been long time since I've played lol
  6. Primary: MP7
    Attachments: QuickDraw, Laser sight
    Perk1: Ghost, Light weight
    Perk2: Toughness
    Emp grenade
    Wildcards: Perk 1 greed
    ?this perks set out is really really good!
    ?I would do the same for An-94 but attachments would be stock and QuickDraw
  7. War-King
    Why would you use long barrel for an SMG?
    The purpose of an SMG is so you can get close and beat them at close combat ?
  8. For medium to longer range kills, unless you're camping like a chicken not all gun fights will be close range.
  9. I use rapid fire because most of my engagements are at close to mid range and if you can keep it held down or just burst fire you can make short work of the mid range targets

    My league play classes are set up like yours King
  10. The MSMC and MP7 have great range for SMG's  Doesn't the PDW have good range as well?
  11. Bruh, The PDW doesn't need much attachments for it to be good.
    MP7 and MSMC has high damage and the slowest of the SMG
  12. Get with the times Mystique  All about AW now 
  13. On that note, What's everyone's favorite CoD 4 class setup? ?
  14. Dsr bald with lighweight and extreme conditioning and i will own in S&D.
    cant remember exact class as its quite awhile since i played but MSMC fast mag fast hands lightweight nd extreme conditioning with c4 and im good to go.
    when i was leveling up i used An-94 in demolition, domination ect and cleaned up.
  15. Haha nah I can't afford that one yet. Played ghosts but didn't like it.
  16. damn makes me want to play cod again.
    Is advanced warfare worth getting?
  17. AW isn't as bad as everyone thought. It's actually worth getting.
  18. Ha.. Is that a serious question?
  19. Anyone played far cry 4?