christmas canceled

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by iCrenshawBoysNHood, Dec 4, 2014.

  1. Sorry folks Christmas will he postponed till Santa is found we have no witnesses but his reindeer car thing have a nice Christmas with no presents :)
  2. No support
  3.  WHAT NO!! OMG! 
  4. I know who did it!
  5. No support
  6. "His reindeer car thing" 
  7.  Santa was hiding behind Olaf ️
  8. What'd you do with him CrenshawI want Christmas
  9. SANTA IS REAL!!!! DONT SAY THAT 
  10. No he's not, your parents buy your gifts, but you're welcome. Saved you a lifetime of lies.
  11. Hahaha who did I kidnapped?
  12. ...I'm Santa's smallest reindeer so he is real!
  13. Possibly the mall santa
  14. An old guy I'm afraid who does Santa rp
  15. Um excuse my husband MrClaus is doing perfectly fine ?
    Wall him yourself if you don't believe me!

    Merry (early) Christmas!

  16. Don't worry guys! I found him. He is just... Different...
  17. He has a beard though he looks legit with heart shaped boxer briefs on