
Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by renamed2600, Dec 4, 2014.

  1. Cheating is taken very seriously in the IB program and you can get suspended or expelled ?
  2. Wait this is high school so I don't think you can drop a class and it's too late for that.

    Anyways, the semester is almost over so I advice to study hard and make sure to pass all your finals. If you have a very good GPA, one bad semester should not hurt you that much. Sorry, it's late to do anything drastic but study study study!! Also don't you need to focus on ACT or SAT? So calm down (workout, eat well and sleep). Just do your best?

    If you are having difficulties in a class, meet up with the teacher or get a tutor. Do whatever you have to do because you want to succeed.
    Good luck
  4. Seduce all your teachers into giving you A's male and female. DONT WORRY. WE all have our inner lesbian inside us all.
  5. School's a bunch of bull anyway, just have to find a way to make the system work for you
  6. I've heard cocaine can help
  7. Perhaps you need to review your studying strategies, consider study groups (if you haven't already done so) and ask your teachers for help/advice.

    All the best in your studies!
  8. Not terrible, but they have a high acceptance rate for undergrad students. If it is getting too hard then you probably need to study more to familiarize yourself with the work don't stress out lol just focus!
  9. I heard masturbating releases stress.
  10. Have you thought of maybe a tutor? You seem smart but we all need a little extra help once in awhile. I hope things work out for you.

    Be blessed
  11. It does bruh?
  12. 1. Read new chapter before class.
    2. Take notes on what you read and write down any questions.
    3. Go to class, take notes, pay attention, make sure your questions are answered.
    4. Review class notes the same night.
    5. Before next class, review the taught chapter.
    Repeat all steps.
     Good luck.
  13. Puff, puff, pass to relieve stress. Kidding, unless that's your thing.

    Study, but don't tire yourself with it. It's been shown that overly studying without breaks can cause more harm than help, so keep in mind to take breaks and have a snack once in a while (insert brain food here). Also, if you can't go to the tutor, try to get the tutor to come to you, or you can always phone friends that have a better understanding on the subject than yourself. In math, the best thing I could do to figure stuff out was to find random problems for that week's class and just test myself independently. It helped me to do what was basically a pretest. Maybe, for better effect, be sure to ask your teacher if they could help you draw up a pretest, and assist you in grading it.

  14. Sounds boring and crappy lolol
  15. Just get spend sexy time with your teachers ?
  16. @spit, op didn't say it had to be exciting 
  17. Spit... I can't even 
  18. Studying in the library really helps me. It's quiet and there's less distractions. Also simple things like eating a balanced diet and getting enough sleep work wonders. Your brain can't work as well if it doesn't have fuel and rest. Also talk to your teachers, most of them will work with you. I was in AP and regular courses, (I graduated ten years ago, my school was just starting to offer IB courses) and I found the AP teachers treated the students with more respect. Those courses are so worth it, I wish I had the opportunity to take IB from freshman year on, they help you get scholarships. Sometimes, if you're getting overwhelmed, step away and take a walk or a nap or a bubble bath...something relaxing and refreshing, and then come back to your work. Hope that helps, good luck! ️
  19. Best way to get rid of IB stress is dropping out.. ? or look at IB memes and cry at your misserable life... That's what I did... and I got the diploma so it does work 
  20. Get yourself some study buddies as well . It's always a fun time studying with your partners. It has been one of extremely effective methods to get the work done and the lecture through for me :)

    Also, do consider about HshGirl's advices.

    Good luck! 