x20 Cat Cafe

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by iCandy, Dec 2, 2014.

  1. No support
  2. 84th and it was way more fun. 
  3. 85th really?
  4. No support. Maybe as promo for a few hrs someday though...
  5. 87th, and no support?
  6. 88th and rly guys? Come on....... Why20x when we could get 20x PvP payouts :lol:
  7. 89th and bring on 2x pvp ?
  8. 90th rather have PvP payout and farm or war. More fun than sitting there doing CC all day. Plus more rewarding. Working harding for that LCBC. Work Hard Play Hard (Hate that song but thats how I play the game)
  9. 92nd. No support.
  10. 0th
  11. What the hell lol

    Support cus I WANT X100 CC
  13. 96th because I can
  14. 97th agree with omar
  15. 98th and support cause I'm curious na how it will go :lol:
  16. 99 lmao no support
  17. 100th

    Make it 100x payout!!