[SUPPORT] Give Studly_Hung_Well his name back

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by ArthriticCricket, Dec 1, 2014.

  1. Fully support
  2. Give back his name
  3. I think it's trash u got new mods n wanna change my bros name after 2 years. Give my bro his name back!!!!!!!!!
  4. Support! He is the best picture hanger in PIMD!
  5. Eh, it's just a name either way, he won't die without it, I'm sure he can think of a new name

    This will most likely get locked due to it kind of being a complaint on someone's silence/ban/rename but he can always email support@athinkingape.com and they can decide whether or not the name is valid to stay
  7. Support!
  8. Support. The new mods already showing they can't handle the job.
  9. who are we talking about ?